WE BRING you taste of home

About u s

AZ Food Fellows GMBH, a leading exporter of fresh fruits, vegetables, and food items from Pakistan, celebrates its remarkable journey since its establishment in 2024. Our company operates state-of-the-art post-harvest facilities, prioritizing efficiency, competitiveness, and top-notch quality. Committed to international standards, AZ Food Fellows products boast purity, free from added preservatives. We excel in hygienic packing and sealing techniques to ensure extended shelf life. Count on us for unwavering consistency, superior quality, and unmatched value throughout every growing season. With a specialization in mangoes and fresh vegetables, we have secured a significant market presence in the Middle East, Far East, and Europe. Our exports have proven to be a lucrative venture for our overseas partners, with our fresh fruits earning widespread acclaim for their unparalleled freshness and exquisite taste across all markets.


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